Thursday, October 06, 2005

i'm getting laaaaaaayzeeeee~ haven't been blogging much...=P can't blame me..i'm having writers block...>.< simmy, u shud knoe well enough how much assignments we monash kiddies get..kills off all our brain cells...and leave me with nothing to think with. bluekz~

went to fountain gate this afternoon wif suan and joanne. haven't seen them in agesssss! suan still as sick and perverted as ever...she's always asking me whether i hear 'noises' during the night...(um...noises as in...>.< think a little sick and you'll get it). joanne was looking for a hairdryer so we walked around, and guess what i saw...? I-Dog! so adorable..its this new product from apple. um...imagine a white robodog with transparent ears. was very tempted to get it at first but it turned out to be such a huge disappointment...*bluekz*

suan kept trying to convince me to get a nintendo DS coz she just bought one recently..hunted around for games and i saw the drilling spirits! i miss the timesquare arcade! sobz.. =( considering whether to get a ps2 and bring it up here...unfortunately no tv in the

trying to download maple now...4 hrs for one stupid 206MB file. pifz. my old chars are all deleted coz the beta versions over. T.T arghhh...talking about games...seems like i've been gaming 24/7! my assignmentzzzzzz. someone hit me plz..and make me get back to work..or better yet, gimme some hardworking genes =)


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