Friday, June 16, 2006

so many things has happened in the last 10 days since my last post...finished my e-biz exam on the was...kinda unexpected...i knew i didn't study enough...but i didn't think it would be that bad.. the lecturer actually lead us on...DAMN! he gave us the topics which were supposedly coming out for the exam, and it turned out to be the total opposite...what an ass...was he trying to fail us or what!? but overall...i guess i'd pass bad thing out of the way...another paper to look forward to....with questions unrelated to the whole semesters teachings...sighz...a bit on the unlucky side now..

a little moody...and out of it still...i'm supposed to be happy having so much free time right? but then i do not know what to do with it...i've read more fiction in the past few days than i have ever read in my my cosmo magazines over and over...i just feel very is getting a little depressing...

moving on to something more...'interesting'...i finally watched da vinci code!! and yes it was good...but the book was way better...much more detailed...though the movie really made everything much more realistic...more horrifying too...especially the parts where the albino abused himself...ugh! *shudders at the thought* why would anyone inflict such painful deeds on themselves..>< well anyway, if you haven't read the book, you blardy well should! or at watch the movie..^_^ trust me..its worth it~

a friend of mine recently sent me a gary chao...or better known as 曹格 was a remake of an old classic, but the way he made it sound made me stuck on the song...and thus, the search for the songs of the entire album...=P its surprisingly good for a local artist~ managed to upload the first 2 songs if you guys wanna download it...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
tadah~ his album ^_^ with 11 great tracks

1 - Superwoman
2 - 世界唯一的你

hope the link works...>.< happy listening! ^_^ and for the rest of you who are still stuck with exams, GOOD LUCK!!


Blogger aNgeLic said...

ugh..i'll redo it sometime later..sry bout that. *kicks angelfire*

4:58 AM  

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