Tuesday, May 30, 2006

was down with a bout of fever and sorethroat since cultural night on sunday...was contemplating on not going for the dinner in which every group from the residential had to bring some 'homemade' food from some country we chose. dinner was at 7pm, and it was 6pm b4 my group realized that we would not be able to prepare any italian dishes on time..@@ so being the 'geniuses' we are...we ended up ordering pizza...and no one questioned it. =P i don't think they'd think we made it...would they? oh well..

had bits and pieces of the food...didn't have much of an appetite..plus i had to stay away from fried and spicy stuff..so saddening. after the dinner, a group of us went to safeway, i went along hoping to get something to relieve my throat...and b4 i knew it...fever came along...it was truly horrible!! i'm prone to getting sick near exams...sighz...if there was ever a time i truly wanted to be home, it was definitely at that very moment

after 1 and a half days of suffering, happy to say that mr.fever has gone away, leaving me wif the sorethroat to deal with...and a test on thursday which i have just managed to start on...i dunno whether its good that the days are passing, or bad coz i'm running out of time @@

sighz..with the 1st sem of our final year about to be done and over with...it wun be long b4 we'll all be graduating...and then what? continue studying? look for a job? being the dreamer that i am, i can't help but imagine being offered a contract in a new york PR firm...with a 50k per month salary? ahaha! okay..back to reality...i wouldn't really know what i wanna do...can't wait to finish this course n get the cert...but it'd be a new start to a new life after that.....


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